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Format of Abstracts

Text Format

1 to 2 pages (minimum 1 page)

Text Format

- Margins: 2.5cm top, bottom, left and right
- Paper size: A4
- Font: Times New Roman throughout
- Article Title: 12 point, bold, centred
- Article Authors: 10 point, bold, centred
- Authors Affiliations (university or company - optional): 10 point, italic, centred
- Affiliations may be numbered with a superscript index
- Sub-headings: 10 point, left justified, bold
- Sub-headings should be numbered and placed on a separate line without indentation
- Use only one or two levels of sub-headings


- One blank line between title and authors (10 point)
- One blank line between authors and affiliations (10 point)
- Two blank lines between affiliations and start of abstract text
- One blank line (10 point) before and after each sub-heading


- The paper should be in single column format throughout (i.e. not two-column style as required by, for example, the IEEE)


- Tables should be numbered in sequence, Table 1, Table 2 etc
- Each table should have a brief explanatory title
- The text should refer to each table and explain its significance

Figures (including Diagrams and Graphs)

- Figures should be numbered in sequence, Figure 1, Figure 2 etc
- Each Figure should have a brief explanatory title
- The text should refer to each table and explain its significance
- Electronic images should be provided at an adequately high resolution


- Citations in the text should be made using numbers in square brackets e.g. 'Many examples of the phenomenon have been described in the literature [4, 5, 6].'
- All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript using this style:-
  1. Rodgers, W. and Negash, S. The effects of web-based technologies on knowledge transfer, Communications of the ACM, ACM Press. Vol 50:7, pp. 117-122 (2007)
  2. Gupta, A. and Seshasai, S. 24-hour knowledge factory: Using Internet technology to leverage spatial and temporal separations, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), ACM Press. Vol 7:3 (2007)
  3. Ghose, S. and Dou, W. Interactive functions and their impacts on the appeal of Internet presence sites. Journal of Advertising Research. Vol 38, pp. 29-43 (1998)

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